Poppa-D: Evening Walk
Poppa-D: Evening Walk
Poppa-D: Public Art
Poppa-D: Jellyfish
Poppa-D: Top 'o Four Peaks
Poppa-D: What beautiful light shines beyond the doors of our life we have yet to open?
Poppa-D: Am I In The Desert . . . ?
Poppa-D: full moon + mountainbike = desert awesome
Poppa-D: Water Hole - Tonto Creek
Poppa-D: Tonto Creek
Poppa-D: Hell's Gate Wilderness, AZ
Poppa-D: Sun Going Down
Poppa-D: Tonto Creek + Pink Floatie = Heaven
Poppa-D: Tonto Creek
Poppa-D: Let's face it, there's an elephant in the room . . . [snicker]
Poppa-D: Corner. Light. Stripes.
Poppa-D: Coleman
Poppa-D: Sunshine
Poppa-D: Morning Sunbeam
Poppa-D: Sunrise in Death Valley
Poppa-D: Sand Dunes - Death Valley
Poppa-D: Found Art - Death Valley
Poppa-D: Ho ho ho Yo!
Poppa-D: Untitled
Poppa-D: Lake Atitlan
Poppa-D: Morning Fog
Poppa-D: Lava Flow
Poppa-D: Maya Man
Poppa-D: Stripes: Part 1
Poppa-D: Stripes: Part 2