P. Marioné:
bouquiner une peinture
P. Marioné:
reading Camus in the metro
P. Marioné:
lire "les arbres voyagent la nuit" dans le bus 801
P. Marioné:
reading "à la recherche du temps perdu"
P. Marioné:
reading his wife's obituary
P. Marioné:
writing a bestseller
P. Marioné:
the biker who was reading a kung fu book
P. Marioné:
reading important documents
P. Marioné:
trying to read ‟l’essentiel à savoir”
P. Marioné:
reading a trash book
P. Marioné:
la lectrice de Beigbeder avait les pieds qui puent
P. Marioné:
reading in the park
P. Marioné:
reading last month's newspaper
P. Marioné:
reading in the park
P. Marioné:
reading Kierkegaard
P. Marioné:
reading "le théorème des Katherine"
P. Marioné:
reading a thriller in the park
P. Marioné:
reading Marguerite Duras
P. Marioné:
lire "le livre qui fait dire oui"
P. Marioné:
lire "le bal du comte d'Orgel"
P. Marioné:
writing a bestseller in the street
P. Marioné:
lire "avant toi" dans le parc
P. Marioné:
les explorateurs de la Bible
P. Marioné:
reading ‟the 120 days of Sodom”
P. Marioné:
reading ‟Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”
P. Marioné:
all the weight of justice
P. Marioné:
lire en attendant le bus
P. Marioné:
reading "la bicyclette bleue" while waiting for a RMI
P. Marioné:
proofreading the "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei"
P. Marioné:
reading "le dompteur de lion" at church