anur@@G: posing for food!
anur@@G: siblings
anur@@G: reflections!
anur@@G: rest-assured.
anur@@G: dare to disturb my sleep?
anur@@G: out of frame
anur@@G: breakfast!
anur@@G: admist the Chaos!
anur@@G: Just for Fun!
anur@@G: ToungE!
anur@@G: curosity caged!
anur@@G: IMG_0971
anur@@G: little patchy
anur@@G: Stray Love!
anur@@G: Why can't a woman be more like a dog, huh? So sweet, loving & attentive.
anur@@G: “If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.”
anur@@G: ~They have been friends together in sunshine and in shade~