Paul-760: Royal Navy Lynxx XZ731 ("311") departs from Texel airport
Paul-760: Netherlands Air Force Cougar
Paul-760: Netherlands Air Force Apache Q-30 takes off from Texel airport
Paul-760: German Army 87+66 Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm BO-105
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Belgian airforce F16 FA123
Paul-760: Catalina 16821
Paul-760: Catalina 16821
Paul-760: Catalina 16821
Paul-760: Catalina 16218 lands on the gras strip of Texel airport
Paul-760: Netherlands Air Force Apache demo
Paul-760: Flares of the Netherlands Air Force Apache Q-30. This demo was performed by the normal green Q-30 instead of the official grey/orange demo hawk.
Paul-760: Czech Mi-24 Hind 7356 and Dutch Apache Q-30
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning on the gras strip of Texel airport
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: P-38 Lightning
Paul-760: Spitfire, B25 and Hawker Hunter
Paul-760: Hawker Hunter and B25
Paul-760: Spitfire, B25 and Hawker Hunter
Paul-760: Hawker Hunter and B25