Paul-760: USAF A10 991 takes off from Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 647 takes off from Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 takes off from Spangdhalem airforce base
Paul-760: Canadian CF188 734 takes off from Spangdahlem airforce base in Germany
Paul-760: Two USAF A10 make their aproach to Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 965 approaches Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 651 (from 1978) lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: Two USAF A10 approach Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 991 approaches Spangdahlem airforce base for a touch and go
Paul-760: USAF A10 988 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 991 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: Canadian airforce F-18 743 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: Canadian F-18 795 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: Royal Netherlands Airforce F16 J-011 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 78-0651 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF A10 656 lands at Spangdahlem airforce base
Paul-760: USAF Herc RS-88603 makes a touch and go at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF C17 99-0059 from McChord lands at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF C17 99-0059 from McChord lands at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF C17 99-0059 from McChord lands at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16 SP-417 lands at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16 SP-52 OG lands at Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16 approaches Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16 lands at Spangahlem
Paul-760: Spangdahlem US airforce base
Paul-760: Fully loaded USAF F16C "SP" "480FS" 91-0366 takes off from Spangdahlem.
Paul-760: USAF F16C "SP" takes off from Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16C "SP" takes off from Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16C "SP" 91-0358 takes off from Spangdahlem
Paul-760: USAF F16C "SP" 91-0407 takes off from Spangdahlem