P.J.C.R.: 01 Pensando em voar
P.J.C.R.: 02 Persentindo o estímulo
P.J.C.R.: Observando a área
P.J.C.R.: 01 Lagarto desfrutando o calor
P.J.C.R.: 02 Close up do lagarto
P.J.C.R.: Just floating
P.J.C.R.: The full moon greets me
P.J.C.R.: Eclipse of the Supermoon of Blood 280915
P.J.C.R.: Supermoon
P.J.C.R.: SuperLua semi-escondida
P.J.C.R.: The night of the Supermoon starts here
P.J.C.R.: Burning Sky
P.J.C.R.: Waiting for the party
P.J.C.R.: So close to the Moon!
P.J.C.R.: Shining beyond Life
P.J.C.R.: Daylight Moon
P.J.C.R.: Illuminating fierce Waters
P.J.C.R.: Fall of burning Waters
P.J.C.R.: Transitory contrast
P.J.C.R.: Twilight in the advanced Autumn
P.J.C.R.: Caterpillars, on the Grass, under the Winter Sun
P.J.C.R.: Leaking the weir
P.J.C.R.: A kind of midnight sun
P.J.C.R.: Can surpass in the Fog
P.J.C.R.: The Sun, gently sliding
P.J.C.R.: Commemoration 111111
P.J.C.R.: The Sun is wonderful
P.J.C.R.: The 'Jarmelo', with an Aura of mysteriousness
P.J.C.R.: Good Night
P.J.C.R.: Rainbow Panorama