P-and-A: Picture 012
P-and-A: Picture 010
P-and-A: Picture 024
P-and-A: Slicing the duck
P-and-A: Picture 048
P-and-A: Picture 065
P-and-A: I am just ignoring the camera...
P-and-A: Are you going to stop taking picures?
P-and-A: Grrrrrrrrr
P-and-A: I said I don't like pictures!
P-and-A: Patrick's messy hair
P-and-A: Back from the park
P-and-A: Why are you taking a picture of us?
P-and-A: Patrick in the wildeduivenweg forest path
P-and-A: DSC_0166
P-and-A: Hide and seek
P-and-A: Patrick trying to get rid of the jetlag
P-and-A: Ambar trying to get rid of the jetlag
P-and-A: Ambar @ Waitakere Rangers
P-and-A: Ambar @ Waitakere Rangers
P-and-A: Ambar @ Waitakere Rangers
P-and-A: Pic-nick by the Blue Lake @ Rotorua
P-and-A: DSC_0940
P-and-A: DSC_0942
P-and-A: DSC_1161
P-and-A: DSC_1217
P-and-A: DSC_1284
P-and-A: DSC_1286
P-and-A: DSC_1287
P-and-A: DSC_1289