Aly3naa: A Robin trying to take a bath
Aly3naa: Robin taking a bath 😁
Aly3naa: The almond thief!
Aly3naa: White crowned sparrow
David C Mishalof: Female American Wigeon
David C Mishalof: Male Mallard
Alan Gutsell: Redhead
Alan Gutsell: Ring-necked Duck
Tony Richards 2: Australasian Shoveler (Spatula rhynchotis)
richard_morel: Fuligule a collier / Ring-necked Duck
richard_morel: Fuligule a collier / Ring-necked Duck
ALLEN SCHIAVONI: Northern shoveler DRAKE...with grace and stature thru the pond..
ALLEN SCHIAVONI: Northern shoveler..taking the plunge
JG Photography86: Tufted Duck.
KitGoody: Green-winged Teal_128A5099
NaturewithMar: Canada geese
Francesc F P: Coccothraustes coccothraustes
KitGoody: Green-winged Teal_128A7256
P. Stinson Photography: Drake American Wigeon
JG Photography86: Common Pochard.
P. Stinson Photography: Drake American Wigeon
JG Photography86: Tufted Duck.
JG Photography86: Red-Crested Pochard.
sandro349: So serious
KitGoody: Common Goldeneye_128A9202
JG Photography86: Tufted Duck.
JG Photography86: Red-Crested Pochard.
mrm27: Eurasian Teal (anas crecca)
Jetex61: Gadwall
David C Mishalof: Wigeon duck