OzzRod: Tree pruning
OzzRod: Two of us
OzzRod: Corella chorus
OzzRod: Setting
OzzRod: Hey guys! Smile ....
OzzRod: What sunset?
OzzRod: Reaching out
OzzRod: Bunched
OzzRod: Ready to pick
OzzRod: Waiting to be pressed
OzzRod: The forest and the trees
OzzRod: Grey Butcherbird
OzzRod: Yellow = recycling day
OzzRod: Perched
OzzRod: Rejuvenated
OzzRod: Yellow = recycling day 2
OzzRod: Street lavender
OzzRod: Garden escapees
OzzRod: Weirdo Ripper waiting
OzzRod: Lazy swell
OzzRod: More bokeh
OzzRod: Detour ahead
OzzRod: Gull on thirds
OzzRod: Cornered
OzzRod: Safety in yellow
OzzRod: Slow down! (Moving Red, still Yellow)
OzzRod: Safety yellow bokeh
OzzRod: Sky lines
OzzRod: From a black pub wall
OzzRod: Turning Japanese?