dexters paperbacks & photography:
A Helluva Way to Fight a War artwork
dexters paperbacks & photography:
brides of terror
dexters paperbacks & photography:
death island
dexters paperbacks & photography:
experiment at ravensbruck
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gestapo atrocity
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gestapo prisoner
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james bent city of torture pb1461963
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james holledge fall of the roman empire 13 1964
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james workman dragon ships pb243 1965
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james workman the charge of the light brigade jw11 1966
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jim kent chained women jk16 1969
dexters paperbacks & photography:
jim kent gestapo atrocity jk33 1971
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jim kent oasis in hell jk19 1969
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jim kent savage women jk46 1972
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dexters paperbacks & photography:
john slater brides of terror js47 1968
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john slater experiment at ravensbruck js37 1967
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john slater gestapo captive js25 1965
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