Ozdachs: Membership Book
Ozdachs: Greg and Claire at the Signing
Ozdachs: Membership Chaos
Ozdachs: Reverend Gregory Stewart Signs the Society's Membership Book
Ozdachs: Stillman White Joins
Ozdachs: Sonnie and Stillman
Ozdachs: Rev. Greg Stewart in the Pulpit
Ozdachs: Receiving Line after the Service
Ozdachs: Youth Worship Associate Joe and Rev. Greg Stewart
Ozdachs: Celebration in the Courtyard
Ozdachs: Michelle and Felipe
Ozdachs: Arthur and Joe
Ozdachs: Camilla
Ozdachs: Cary
Ozdachs: Christine
Ozdachs: Denis
Ozdachs: Dolores and Wally
Ozdachs: Geoff and Dolores
Ozdachs: Don
Ozdachs: Families
Ozdachs: Lucy
Ozdachs: Divas Munn and McCafferty
Ozdachs: Seph