Ozdachs: Rev. Dr. Judit Gellerd with Gifts from the Congregation
Ozdachs: Folk Orchestra
Ozdachs: Folk Orchestra Up Close
Ozdachs: Folk Orchestra Distaff Players
Ozdachs: Maria Solis
Ozdachs: Ramona and Tori
Ozdachs: David Jones at Your Service
Ozdachs: Diane and John with Gifts from the Congregation
Ozdachs: Rev. John Robinson and Moderator David Jones
Ozdachs: Diane Weber with Gift
Ozdachs: Diane Weber and the Book
Ozdachs: Ben Bear presents John with Feet of Clay
Ozdachs: Nancy Presents John with a Gift
Ozdachs: Ben Bear presents gifts to Rev. Dr. Judit Gellerd
Ozdachs: Rev David Keyes
Ozdachs: Sonnie Willis