G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Spread Your Wings
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tiny Frog - Spring Peeper
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
The Face-off
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
The Slow Climb
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Look Into My Eyes
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Black and Yellow Garden Spider
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Spring Peeper Juvenile
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Mayfly in the Dew
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Drying Out From the Morning Dew
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Cup Plant
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Buttonbush
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tickseed Coreopsis with Visitor
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Deptford Pink
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Swallowtail on Butterfly Weed
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tree Frog Pondering
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tiny Wildlife on the Bloom of Sensitive Briar
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Collared Lizard aka Mountain Boomer
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Banded Water Snake
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Web Catching the Sunrise
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Slow Going
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Out of the Leaves
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Bumble Bee and Bluebells
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tiny Spider Beneath its Web
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Mayfly at the Spring
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
jumping spider