Oystercatchergirl: Olympic Mountains from Saxe Point, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Apr 28 15 (3)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas, Uplands Park, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Apr 28 15 (25)
Oystercatchergirl: Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (23)
Oystercatchergirl: Olympic Mountains from Saxe Point, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (1)
Oystercatchergirl: Garry oak meadow with camas in bloom, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (21)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (20)
Oystercatchergirl: Garry Oak meadow with camas in bloom, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (22)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas in bloom, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (2)
Oystercatchergirl: Garry oak meadow with camas in bloom, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (18)
Oystercatchergirl: Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (16)
Oystercatchergirl: Garry oak meadow with camas in bloom, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (7)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas, Uplands Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (24)
Oystercatchergirl: Uplands Park, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Apr 28 15 (2)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas in bloom, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (5)
Oystercatchergirl: Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, BC, Canada, Apr 15 15 (15)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas, Victoria, BC, Apr 28 15 (1)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, BC, Canada, Apr 15 15 (17)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas in bloom, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 15 15 (9)
Oystercatchergirl: Camas in bloom, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, BC, Apr 15 15 (13)