♥ ღ its joỚjeta ღ ♥: “لست حريص على بقٱء ٱحد !! من ٱستغنى عني ،، فليتأكد بَـ أنني مستغني عنهُ تمآماً !” ! ..{♥}.. ~
Buthɑinɑ ♡: ♡♡♡
flamed: idle (return of the dress II)
iNour: #1
rehab2: (16) جهرية
carrie sandoval: bodhi boy.
*miss*leah*: .warm fuzzy feeling. {explored}
ciseren korkut: IMG_9728-copy
digachismw: A paz
Bonnie@CB Portraits: the definition of adorable
Jill Serrano Photography: M4H Project 52 Week 5 | Simplicity
Marina_Pershina: IMG_7744card1
Fatemah.: sweet
Fatemah.: Darling .
nuframe: Shop at the waters edge (explored)