oxocube303: DSC_0030
oxocube303: DSC_0039
oxocube303: DSC_0062
oxocube303: DSC_0044
oxocube303: DSC_0067
oxocube303: DSC_0077
oxocube303: DSC_0081
oxocube303: Scott Tietzel, escaped from Boulder County Jail.
oxocube303: Elite Women's start line.
oxocube303: Emily Thurston at the start line.
oxocube303: And they're off.
oxocube303: DSC_0130
oxocube303: Katie Compton up the stairs, lap 2.
oxocube303: DSC_0145
oxocube303: Rebecca Blatt dismounting before the stairs.
oxocube303: DSC_0159
oxocube303: An employee of Frandy's Bike Shop?
oxocube303: Compton through the sand.
oxocube303: Caroline Many in the sand.
oxocube303: DSC_0184
oxocube303: Amanda Carey.
oxocube303: DSC_0213
oxocube303: Amber Rydholm in the mud.
oxocube303: Georgia Gould.
oxocube303: Sarah Maile.
oxocube303: Emily Thurston.
oxocube303: DSC_0234
oxocube303: Caroline Mani.
oxocube303: Julie Krasniak.
oxocube303: Tyler Wren, before the men's elite start.