oxocube303: Why, hello kitty.
oxocube303: 3rd Avenue, in the 20s
oxocube303: Curry Hill
oxocube303: Grand Central Concourse
oxocube303: Why don't they just read their shirts?
oxocube303: Chinatown
oxocube303: Dragonfruit
oxocube303: Wha? I'm just hangin' out.
oxocube303: Taro Root
oxocube303: Babycakes!
oxocube303: Gluten- and Sugar-free!
oxocube303: Lower East Side
oxocube303: DSC_0003
oxocube303: DSC_0005 (2)
oxocube303: Team Fabulous!
oxocube303: Central Park
oxocube303: DSC_0013
oxocube303: DSC_0018 (2)
oxocube303: DSC_0019 (2)