oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: American Airlines Theatre
oxfordblues84: Time Square
oxfordblues84: New Amsterdam Theatre
oxfordblues84: Time Square
oxfordblues84: Time Square
oxfordblues84: Time Square
oxfordblues84: Time Square
oxfordblues84: Ernst & Young National Headquarters
oxfordblues84: The Paramount Building
oxfordblues84: The Paramount Building Clock
oxfordblues84: The Paramount Building Clock
oxfordblues84: The Paramount Building
oxfordblues84: Times Square Patrol
oxfordblues84: Times Square Patrol
oxfordblues84: Times Square Patrol
oxfordblues84: Times Square Patrol
oxfordblues84: Times Square Patrol
oxfordblues84: Times Square
oxfordblues84: Times Square
oxfordblues84: Hard Rock Cafe
oxfordblues84: Times Square
oxfordblues84: Times Square
oxfordblues84: Times Square
oxfordblues84: Armed Forces Recruiting Center