Oxford Archaeology: No, we haven't found woodhenge - the wood marks the spot the magnetometer thinks the engine is...
Oxford Archaeology: Digging out a Spitfire part by hand
Oxford Archaeology: Visiting school
Oxford Archaeology: Perce with shells
Oxford Archaeology: Going deeper into the crater
Oxford Archaeology: The trench
Oxford Archaeology: Outline of the crater showing up
Oxford Archaeology: Fuel pipe?
Oxford Archaeology: A less thrilling find
Oxford Archaeology: Outline of the crater - red=peat, grey circular area is the impact crater
Oxford Archaeology: Finding the headrest cover
Oxford Archaeology: Headrest cover
Oxford Archaeology: Excited by aluminum part
Oxford Archaeology: Engine starter motor
Oxford Archaeology: More parts
Oxford Archaeology: Still has paint on
Oxford Archaeology: Ammunition
Oxford Archaeology: Look East reporting from site
Oxford Archaeology: Stephen Macaulay explaining the site to the Press
Oxford Archaeology: Some of the finds
Oxford Archaeology: Unusual ammunition
Oxford Archaeology: Engine starter motor
Oxford Archaeology: Volunteer cleaning bodywork
Oxford Archaeology: Volunteers cleaning bodywork
Oxford Archaeology: Great Fen team examining the aerial