Oxford Archaeology: Machining off the first layer
Oxford Archaeology: Machining off the first layer
Oxford Archaeology: Machining off the first layer
Oxford Archaeology: Machining off the first layer
Oxford Archaeology: Lots of expert advice!
Oxford Archaeology: Metal detecting for finds for each spit as we go down
Oxford Archaeology: Spoil is laid out strategically, per spit of the trench
Oxford Archaeology: Hard hat only!
Oxford Archaeology: Find spots
Oxford Archaeology: Archaeologist Nick finds a washer
Oxford Archaeology: Metal detectorist uncovers some aluminium
Oxford Archaeology: Aluminium fragment
Oxford Archaeology: Metal detecting
Oxford Archaeology: Metal detecting
Oxford Archaeology: An artist's impression
Oxford Archaeology: The volunteers
Oxford Archaeology: Operation Nightingale metal detecting
Oxford Archaeology: Forces TV interviewing an Operation Nightingale representative
Oxford Archaeology: ITV interviewing OA's Stephen Macaulay
Oxford Archaeology: Info board