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Improving livelihoods in Tari, PNG by Oxfam NZ
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Oxfam NZ
Egime Tone, 43, with one day-old chicks
Oxfam NZ
Egime Tone, 43, with one day-old chicks
Oxfam NZ
A box of chicks
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Titoko Angoya signs up for a loan
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Titoko Angoya and her sons
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Some of the day-old chicks
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Yuguli and village women with newly-hatched chicks
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Yuguli with her husband Tolipago and daughter Nancy
Oxfam NZ
Rose with her new source of income
Oxfam NZ
Women can now manage their finances independently from their husbands
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Rose Enoch can now support her family
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Selling chicken broiler meat at the market in Tari
Oxfam NZ
A woman sells cooked chicken at Tari market.
Oxfam NZ
The money used from selling chicken meat is used to provide for the women's families.