oxfamireland: A collapsed home lies amid the ruins of other buildings in Tacloban city
oxfamireland: Devastation in Tacloban city
oxfamireland: Area cut off by two ships that ran aground in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city during typhoon Haiyan killing scores of people and destroying homes 2
oxfamireland: Area cut off by two ships that ran aground in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city during typhoon Haiyan killing scores of people and destroying homes
oxfamireland: A child's teddy bear lies amidst the debris beside a ship that ran aground in in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city during typhoon Haiyan, killing scores of people and destroying many homes 3
oxfamireland: A child's teddy bear lies amidst the debris beside a ship that ran aground in in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city during typhoon Haiyan, killing scores of people and destroying many homes 2
oxfamireland: A child's teddy bear lies amidst the debris beside a ship that ran aground in in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city during typhoon Haiyan, killing scores of people and destroying many homes
oxfamireland: A girl stands beside an Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people 6
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people 5
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people 4
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people 3
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people 2
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water point stands beside two of the ships that ran aground during the typhoon destroying homes and killing scores of people
oxfamireland: A sign reading 'Help me' arangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people
oxfamireland: Local children in beside an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 4
oxfamireland: Local children in beside an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 3
oxfamireland: Local children in beside an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 2
oxfamireland: Local children in beside an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people
oxfamireland: Children at an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 3
oxfamireland: A boy plays beside an Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 2
oxfamireland: An Oxfam water bladder in Barangay 70 and 69 in Tacloban city where ships ran aground crushing muttitudes of houses and killing scores of people 1
oxfamireland: Metal railings forced by the typhoon onto the street in Tacloban city
oxfamireland: Locals cheer at an Oxfam distribution of hygiene kits and other items including tarpulins provided by Irish Aid at the St Nino Special Education Centre in Tacloban city.jpg
oxfamireland: A car dealership in Tacloban city
oxfamireland: A book about Greek mathematician Pythagoras lies in the rubble of a collapsed house in Brgy 76 Fatima Village in Tacloban
oxfamireland: Local residents in Brgy 76 Fatima Village in Tacloban city avail of a clean water supply provided by Oxfam 2
oxfamireland: Local residents in Brgy 76 Fatima Village in Tacloban city avail of a clean water supply provided by Oxfam
oxfamireland: Children in Oxfam clean-up community programme in Brgy 76 Fatima Village in Tacloban where locals are taking part in an Oxfam clean up