Oxfam East Africa: Domianah Mwikali - "When youths don't have jobs they start stealing"
Oxfam East Africa: Florence Kitonyo, cafe owner - "when prices are high, customers stay away"
Oxfam East Africa: Florence Nyiro - "Paying for emergency health care leaves us even less money for food"
Oxfam East Africa: Habel Charo - "When food prices are up we see children leave school. Parents can't afford the fees"
Oxfam East Africa: Anne Wanjiku Kambo - "You can't eat when your neighbour is hungry"
Oxfam East Africa: Anthony and Jacqueline - "Politicians came and made promises, but they haven't been back since"
Oxfam East Africa: Sifa Charo - "There are lots of young people without jobs"
Oxfam East Africa: Sara Damalogu - "When there is no rain the price of food goes high"
Oxfam East Africa: Mwakanda Charo - "Charcoal and farming are our only ways to make a living"
Oxfam East Africa: Bensluson Khonde - "The economy does not allow breakfast!"
Oxfam East Africa: Stephen Gunga - "High food prices are a big problem. People survive here miraculously"
Oxfam East Africa: Mary Kitsao - "When there is no rain the prices go up"