Oxfam East Africa:
Mbandaka market
Oxfam East Africa:
A woman on her way home from shopping
Oxfam East Africa:
The Congo River is a lifeline, but also a huge threat
Oxfam East Africa:
An Oxfam cholera prevention float
Oxfam East Africa:
Theatre troupe performance
Oxfam East Africa:
Acting out cholera
Oxfam East Africa:
Children read cholera-prevention leaflets
Oxfam East Africa:
Radio stations help spread the mesnani tests the quality of water from a wellsage
Oxfam East Africa:
Collecting water
Oxfam East Africa:
Children watch the theatre
Oxfam East Africa:
Oxfam engineer tests the water quality
Oxfam East Africa:
Oxfam boat
Oxfam East Africa:
The exceptionally low level of the Congo river this year has been blamed by some experts as a factor leading to the 2011 cholera outbreak in the DRC.