Owlwithoutfeathers: Wailing man and Orthadox man with shofar. Western Wall Jersualem (B&W)
Owlwithoutfeathers: Western Wall Arc and praying man
Owlwithoutfeathers: Western Wall Arc and praying man 2
Owlwithoutfeathers: Wailing Man at the Western Wall and Colouful Tourist Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Wailing Man and Orthadox man with shofar. Western Wall Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Man at Western Wall Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Man and boy at Western Wall Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Man and boy at Western Wall Jerusalem (playing with old colour)
Owlwithoutfeathers: Man and boy at Western Wall Jerusalem (cropped)
Owlwithoutfeathers: Jerusalem Western Wall
Owlwithoutfeathers: Israeli soldier at Western Wall
Owlwithoutfeathers: Israeli soldier at Western Wall (B&W)
Owlwithoutfeathers: Group of Orthadox Jews praying at Western Wall Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Group of Orthadox Jews praying at Western Wall Jerusalem B&W
Owlwithoutfeathers: Group of Orthadox Jews praying at Western Wall Jerusalem (playing with colour)
Owlwithoutfeathers: Punk'd - Street Graffiti, Jerusalem
Owlwithoutfeathers: Kung Fu Jew - Street Graffiti, Jerusalem