dmarymac: New balloon mobile. A little crude but I like it!
dmarymac: Reed Mercurio Callison. Born 8/16 at 12:40am. 8 pounds 9 ounces. 21.75 inches long. 2 days old.
dmarymac: Bubby investigates baby.
dmarymac: First doc appointment. Clean bill of health!
dmarymac: Thank you note to the pres for our new breast pump. #affordablecareact
dmarymac: Napping!
dmarymac: IMG_2241
dmarymac: Bubby the cat and Reed the newborn.
dmarymac: IMG_2352
dmarymac: nursery and mobile
dmarymac: IMG_2362
dmarymac: P9161523
dmarymac: P9161524
dmarymac: P9161525
dmarymac: P9161526
dmarymac: IMG_2347
dmarymac: Sun hat! 5 weeks!
dmarymac: P9291589
dmarymac: P9291591
dmarymac: P9291593
dmarymac: PA141730-reed_laugh_131014
dmarymac: PA141725-reed_tongue
dmarymac: PA121677_reed family
dmarymac: PA121684_reed-sleep
dmarymac: PA121701-reed_dad_pat_fred
dmarymac: PA211748
dmarymac: PA211762