gshibaya: _DSC0212
gshibaya: _DSC0667
gshibaya: 10986692_10205707991635022_556788611198545512_o
ekib: carved
ekib: Montserrat
ekib: Montserrat
ekib: Montserrat
ekib: food prep
ekib: Voting day
LPRWebDude: DSCF3722
LPRWebDude: DSCF3596
LPRWebDude: DSCF2902
amitp: Carrizo Plain
Staufhammer: BMWCCA GGC Autocross 1 April 2016 (86 of 98)
Fred Moore 1947: Dust storm in Death Valley
Fred Moore 1947: Aftrenoon at Lundy Lake
Fred Moore 1947: Morning View
Fred Moore 1947: Fall Colors 1
Fred Moore 1947: Canyonlands Sunrise
Fred Moore 1947: Colors on the back bay
dukeredhair: SeventhDayWindowsSunrise7
amitp: Leavenworth WA
gshibaya: The end point of John Muir Trail at Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park
gshibaya: "Now, you may kiss your bride."
gshibaya: Wedding ceremony at the top of Half Dome
gshibaya: Cty lights and Half Dome, the top of Clouds Rest, one hour before sunrise
gshibaya: Burn area in Yosemite National Park
gshibaya: Sunrise at the top of Mt. Whitney
gshibaya: Sunrise at the top of Mt. Whitney
gshibaya: Sunrise at the top of Mt. Whitney