overthemoon: Bovi Stop
overthemoon: conference
overthemoon: I think it's time for lunch
overthemoon: Right of way
overthemoon: Welcoming committee
overthemoon: pilaster
overthemoon: armoiries
overthemoon: parc à trottinettes
overthemoon: laurel wreath
overthemoon: Musée Jurassien d'art et d'histoire
overthemoon: ruelle du cheval-blanc
overthemoon: horseshoe bench
overthemoon: a dark alley
overthemoon: rue du Nord
overthemoon: rue du Nord
overthemoon: Deux sauvages
overthemoon: side of Café d'Espagne
overthemoon: Café d'Espagne
overthemoon: Hôtel du Boeuf
overthemoon: fiers d'être Jurassiens
overthemoon: arrêt tête de bergère
overthemoon: Old building, Camille Bloch
overthemoon: Modern building
overthemoon: Calculator
overthemoon: No butter today
overthemoon: old chocolate tins
overthemoon: Cric crac
overthemoon: all tied up
overthemoon: Ragusa and Torino marble cake
overthemoon: planchette