overstuffedbackpack: europe07 337
overstuffedbackpack: europe07 335
overstuffedbackpack: europe07 333
overstuffedbackpack: europe07 331
overstuffedbackpack: europe07 325
overstuffedbackpack: europe07 324
overstuffedbackpack: The Kunstkamera museum
overstuffedbackpack: front of St. Issacs
overstuffedbackpack: under construction
overstuffedbackpack: view from St. Issacs
overstuffedbackpack: St. Issacs Cathederal
overstuffedbackpack: a grand staircase
overstuffedbackpack: they let you walk on them
overstuffedbackpack: a gilded room!
overstuffedbackpack: more opulence
overstuffedbackpack: horseless carriage with bonus dials
overstuffedbackpack: more machinery
overstuffedbackpack: yay machinery
overstuffedbackpack: hehehe...sextants!
overstuffedbackpack: opulence pt. II
overstuffedbackpack: mosiac portrait of Catherine the Great
overstuffedbackpack: So...much...opulence
overstuffedbackpack: Portrait room in the hermitage
overstuffedbackpack: Hermitage grandoise
overstuffedbackpack: Looking out
overstuffedbackpack: Inside the Hermitage
overstuffedbackpack: A small portion of the Hermitage