OversightandReform: Chairman Issa and IRS Commissioner John Koskinen before the hearing
OversightandReform: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen being sworn in
OversightandReform: Chairman Issa
OversightandReform: Mr. Koskinen
OversightandReform: Ranking Member Cummings
OversightandReform: John Mica, R-FL
OversightandReform: Mr. Koskinen
OversightandReform: Jim Jordan, R-OH
OversightandReform: Mr. Koskinen with Mr. Jordan's questions chart
OversightandReform: Paul Gosar, R-AZ
OversightandReform: Michelle Lujan, D-NM
OversightandReform: Chairman Issa
OversightandReform: Jackie Speier, D-CA
OversightandReform: Trey Gowdy, R-SC
OversightandReform: Trey Gowdy, R-SC
OversightandReform: Stephen Lynch, D-MA
OversightandReform: Scott DesJarlais, R-TN
OversightandReform: Chairman Issa
OversightandReform: Tim Walberg, R-MI
OversightandReform: Jason Chaffetz, R-UT
OversightandReform: Cynthia Lummis, R-WY
OversightandReform: Thomas Massie, R-KY
OversightandReform: Mark Meadows, R-NC
OversightandReform: Mr. Koskinen
OversightandReform: Rob Woodall, R-GA
OversightandReform: Mr. Koskinen
OversightandReform: Blake Farenthold, R-TX and Trey Gowdy, R-SC