OversightandReform: Staff assembles before the meeting
OversightandReform: Rep. Chaffetz before the meeting
OversightandReform: Members gather before the meeting
OversightandReform: Chairman Issa addresses the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. DesJarlais studies his member packet
OversightandReform: Rep. Duncan addresses his return to the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Hastings discusses his new role on the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Lummis discusses coming aboard the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Massie addresses the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Meadows discusses his new role on the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Bentivolio addresses the Committee
OversightandReform: Rep. Collins & Rep. Massie