OversightandReform: Chairman Issa meets with the three union workers before Wednesday's hearing
OversightandReform: Chairman Darrell Issa
OversightandReform: Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, JD, Ph.D. Willard and Margaret Carr, Professor of Labor and Employment Law Indiana University Maurer School of Law
OversightandReform: Rep. Dennis Ross skims through "The Enemy Within"
OversightandReform: Rep. Scott DesJarlais with "The Enemy Within"
OversightandReform: Chairman Darrell Issa
OversightandReform: "The Enemy Within" by Robert F. Kennedy
OversightandReform: Mr. Terry Bowman, Ypsilanti, Michigan
OversightandReform: Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, JD, Ph.D. Willard and Margaret Carr, Professor of Labor and Employment Law Indiana University Maurer School of Law
OversightandReform: Ms. Sally Coomer, Duvall, Washington
OversightandReform: Ms. Claire Waites, Daphne, Alabama
OversightandReform: The panel of witnesses swearing in
OversightandReform: Rep. Scott DesJarlias of Tennessee
OversightandReform: Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona
OversightandReform: Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina
OversightandReform: Chairman Issa talks with Ms. Coomer after the hearing
OversightandReform: Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois
OversightandReform: Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan