OversightandReform: The panel of witnesses swearing in.
OversightandReform: Mr. Morton Rosenberg, Former Specialist in American Public Law for the American Law Division at the Congressional Research Service
OversightandReform: Mr. Todd Tatelman, Legislative Attorney for the American Law Division at the Congressional Research Service
OversightandReform: Mr. Louis Fisher, Scholar in Residence at the The Constitution Project
OversightandReform: Professor Charles Tiefer, Commissioner of the Commission on Wartime Contracting
OversightandReform: Chairman Darrell Issa
OversightandReform: Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle of New York
OversightandReform: Rep. James Lankford of Oklahoma
OversightandReform: Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah
OversightandReform: Chairman Darrell Issa