ODI Global:
Merkato Market
ODI Global:
Mercato Market
ODI Global:
Petrol pump attendent, Hyderabad
ODI Global:
Indian Oil
ODI Global:
Indian Oil, Delhi
ODI Global:
Business is booming in New Delhi
ODI Global:
Business is booming in New Delhi
ODI Global:
Food on the go
ODI Global:
Mohammed buys his honey
ODI Global:
Cleaning up
ODI Global:
Coffee crop
ODI Global:
Trading Places
ODI Global:
Spice market
ODI Global:
Building a better future?
ODI Global:
Market day in Sendafa
ODI Global:
I capture the carbon
ODI Global:
Women in Ethiopia
ODI Global:
Market trader, Mercato
ODI Global:
Mercato Market
ODI Global:
Building work in Mekele
ODI Global:
Market trader
ODI Global:
Painters spruce up a building in central Addis
ODI Global:
I love Oromia
ODI Global:
Muslim butcher, Old Delhi
ODI Global:
United nations?
ODI Global:
The meeting
ODI Global:
Rickshaw wallah
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Engineering a solution
ODI Global:
ODI Global:
Near Hyderabad