The Outdoor Warehouse:
And thier off, the hard slog up the hill
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The pack slogging it out
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The pack slogging it out
The Outdoor Warehouse:
And the climb gets steeper.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The leaders descend
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Morgan Donelley with a good lead on the last leg
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Morgan Donelley flying towards the finishing line.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Runners descending
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The finishing straight
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The finishing straight
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Charlie with a second wind holding the guy off behind him.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The finishing straight
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Nic on the last leg 1
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Nic on the last leg 2
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Nic finishing