The Outdoor Warehouse:
Vans and Clouds
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP and Charlie, ready to rock!!
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The obligitory coach to the start.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Let the battle commence
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP at the start of our first serious climb of the day.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Clouds and Mountains
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP as we have just summited Bienn Dearg
The Outdoor Warehouse:
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP runs towards our second challenging climb of the day (day 1)
The Outdoor Warehouse:
A train of people.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP and the second challenging climb, day 1
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Looking north at Stac Polly and Suilven.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Ant Cooper, our website designer wearing his GoLite V024.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP looking at his lovely blisters
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP's lovely blisters
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Nicola Ravenhill and Jo Harris
The Outdoor Warehouse:
David White and Russell Cannon
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP at Mid-way camp
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Mid-way camp
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Mid-way camp
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Vargo 0.9 Titanium Pot with out LAMM map as a windbreak
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Vargo 0.9 Titanium Pot
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Pink sky at night, sheppards delight!!
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Beautiful alpenglow on day one finish at midway camp.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Beautiful alpenglow on day one finish at midway camp.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Sunrise day 2
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP, a little apprehensive at sunrise. day 2
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Charlie after a good nights sleep, raring for day 2
The Outdoor Warehouse:
JP and Jo Harris contemplate the day at sunrise, day 2.
The Outdoor Warehouse:
Charlie making porridge, JP mentally preparing.