The Outdoor Warehouse: Van action on Dunmail Raise -001
The Outdoor Warehouse: Putting Skins on. 002
The Outdoor Warehouse: Setting off. 003
The Outdoor Warehouse: Skining up onto the side of Dollywagon 2. 004
The Outdoor Warehouse: Skinning up onto the side of Dollywagon. 005
The Outdoor Warehouse: Skining up onto the side of Dollywagon 3. 010
The Outdoor Warehouse: Skining up onto the side of Dollywagon 4. 011
The Outdoor Warehouse: Charlie (with OMM Ultra 15 with ski attatched), Shelley & Andy. 017
The Outdoor Warehouse: Andy looking like André, a french version of the original. 020
The Outdoor Warehouse: Charlie, on skis, on top of the Cairn on Nethermost Pike. 022
The Outdoor Warehouse: Cornice onthe back of Nethermost Pike 023
The Outdoor Warehouse: Looking over towards the Pennines & Cross Fell 024
The Outdoor Warehouse: Coming up onto Helvellyn 027
The Outdoor Warehouse: Helvellyn Summit Shelter, where we met Des from Kendal Climbing Walll 028
The Outdoor Warehouse: Shelley & Neecol Barlow 030
The Outdoor Warehouse: Looking back upto Lower Man 031
The Outdoor Warehouse: Ready for the final descent to Dunmail Raise from the top of Nethermost Pike 036