The Outdoor Warehouse:
01 Paraglider over Pike 'o' Blisco
The Outdoor Warehouse:
02 Looking up the Langdales
The Outdoor Warehouse:
03 Raven Crag in all its glory
The Outdoor Warehouse:
04 Paraglider
The Outdoor Warehouse:
05 Paraglider
The Outdoor Warehouse:
06 Looking south-east
The Outdoor Warehouse:
07 Dogs
The Outdoor Warehouse:
08 Snow
The Outdoor Warehouse:
09 The sun starts setting
The Outdoor Warehouse:
011 Dog Talk on the Pike of Blisco
The Outdoor Warehouse:
010 Charlie & Dogs a-top of the Pike 'o' Blisco
The Outdoor Warehouse:
012 Kahtoola MicroSpikes
The Outdoor Warehouse:
013 Kahtoola MicroSpikes in hand
The Outdoor Warehouse:
016 Red Tarn
The Outdoor Warehouse:
014 Steps upto Crinkle Crags
The Outdoor Warehouse:
017 Kahtoola Traction!
The Outdoor Warehouse:
019 Looking back into Langdale
The Outdoor Warehouse:
015 Dog Fun
The Outdoor Warehouse:
018 Setting Sun
The Outdoor Warehouse:
027 Dogs & Setting Sun
The Outdoor Warehouse:
025 OMM Ultra 15 with kit... Camp Corsa 50cm on back
The Outdoor Warehouse:
024 Sea of cloud over Eskdale
The Outdoor Warehouse:
022 OMM Ultra 15
The Outdoor Warehouse:
028Cummulus over the back of Scafell Massif
The Outdoor Warehouse:
029 Cummulus over the back of Scafell Massif2
The Outdoor Warehouse:
020 Mist marching up Langdale
The Outdoor Warehouse:
026 Dogs looking at the bad step & thinking I'm nuts, but they did it with a little help
The Outdoor Warehouse:
021 Sea of Cloud
The Outdoor Warehouse:
023 Pepa
The Outdoor Warehouse:
033 Sunset from Bowfell Links