outdoorstudio: Blåvand fyr
outdoorstudio: Rhapsody In Blue
outdoorstudio: moonlitin'
outdoorstudio: the darkness turned into moonshine
outdoorstudio: I looked up from the road and saw the moon rising from the sea
outdoorstudio: october twilight
outdoorstudio: twin trees whispering to the moon
outdoorstudio: Midsummer night Supermoon
outdoorstudio: fuldmånen steg op
outdoorstudio: fuldmånen set fra Kaffehuset
outdoorstudio: fuldmåne over Kerteminde Bugt
outdoorstudio: fuldmåne over Kerteminde Strand
outdoorstudio: ud i aftenmørket efter Kaffehusets hyggelige varme
outdoorstudio: full moon tonight
outdoorstudio: perigee full moon
outdoorstudio: SOOC on Christmas morning
outdoorstudio: the moonlight woke me up
outdoorstudio: Lunar eclipse December 21.
outdoorstudio: pondering how to catch the reflection of the moon in the pond
outdoorstudio: Captivating moment
outdoorstudio: asking for the moon
outdoorstudio: Total Eclipse
outdoorstudio: Pastel Lunar Eclipse
outdoorstudio: cold clean morning air