outback traveller: shearing board
outback traveller: Jondaryan Woolshed
outback traveller: Jondaryan Woolshed
outback traveller: Jondaryan Woolshed
outback traveller: modified bike to provide a pedal powered shearing machine
outback traveller: Crab winch and boom for loading wool bales
outback traveller: hand cranked drill press
outback traveller: hand cranked drill press
outback traveller: Jinker wheel made from local River Red gums, used to bring in logs for firing the steam boilers
outback traveller: Jinker made from local River Red gums, used to bring in logs for firing the steam boilers
outback traveller: Overhead pulleys to lift the "spear" and "monkey" plate used to compress the wool in a double decker wool press.
outback traveller: Mechanical double decker wool press.
outback traveller: Mechanical double decker wool press
outback traveller: hand wool press
outback traveller: Dust Flocker
outback traveller: overhead shaft for mechanical shears
outback traveller: mechanical sheering board
outback traveller: catching pens behind the shearing board
outback traveller: Catching pens
outback traveller: central aisle between catching pens
outback traveller: sweating pens where sheep were cooled down before being moved to the catching pens inside.
outback traveller: central aisle between sweating pens
outback traveller: counting out pens
outback traveller: sweating pens where sheep were cooled down before being moved to the catching pens inside.
outback traveller: Kinchega Woolshed
outback traveller: Kinchega Woolshed
outback traveller: 1881 Fowler 16 hp Ploughing Engine winch drum
outback traveller: 1881 Fowler 16 hp Ploughing Engine
outback traveller: catching pens
outback traveller: remains of a wheeled portable boiler