outandaround: Border crossing from Argentina to Chile
outandaround: Carabineros de Chile
outandaround: Lisa makes faces during customs
outandaround: Coolest street benches I've ever seen
outandaround: Street bench II
outandaround: Wine tasting with Lisa's old roommates IV
outandaround: Valparaiso vineyards
outandaround: Most amazing seafood lunch ever
outandaround: Yum yum yum
outandaround: Elevator operator in Valparaiso
outandaround: Old school elevator cum roller coaster
outandaround: Street artists
outandaround: On a quest through Valparaiso to find Pablo Neruda's house
outandaround: DSC_1017 - 2012-04-22 at 03-29-14
outandaround: Coming home from school
outandaround: Tu Reflejo
outandaround: Doggie nap
outandaround: Take out the paper and the trash....
outandaround: Graffiti takes on another form here
outandaround: Another view
outandaround: Teenage girls gossip
outandaround: House art
outandaround: Pablo Neruda's Valparaiso house
outandaround: Waiting for mom and dad to come home
outandaround: Lisa chats it up at the Chilean LGBT center
outandaround: In America we are all born equal...
outandaround: Shoe shine
outandaround: Lisa hangs out with old friends
outandaround: Sunday on the beach