outandaround: Balance practice at the park...check out the guy behind him with the umbrella
outandaround: Lezzie happy hour in Shanghai
outandaround: Sophia and Xiangqi
outandaround: Getting measured for the wedding suit!
outandaround: High rises
outandaround: Wedding dress shopping in 15 minutes...
outandaround: With Kenneth, Shanghai PRIDE organizer extraordinaire
outandaround: Superlezzie Xiangqi, founder of Shanghai lesbian community group
outandaround: With our lovely and gracious hosts, Charlene and Lea
outandaround: Schnauzer!
outandaround: The two forces behind Shanghai PRIDE
outandaround: Street watching
outandaround: Is lunch ready yet?
outandaround: An interesting place to take a nap
outandaround: Cobbler on the street
outandaround: Presentation with Xiangqi's group
outandaround: We meet with a lesbian support group in Shanghai and Jenni gives a presentation
outandaround: Li Gang and his gang
outandaround: Dinner with the boys
outandaround: With Coco Zhao, famous Shanghai jazz singer and Supergay
outandaround: Fan dancing at the park
outandaround: Go fish
outandaround: Hello from the gays in Shanghai!