ourmanwhere: Got nothing but a Tet tree
ourmanwhere: DSC_0010
ourmanwhere: DSC_0022
ourmanwhere: DSC_0031
ourmanwhere: DSC_0033
ourmanwhere: DSC_0035
ourmanwhere: DSC_0042
ourmanwhere: DSC_0055
ourmanwhere: DSC_0057
ourmanwhere: DSC_0058
ourmanwhere: DSC_0061
ourmanwhere: DSC_0073
ourmanwhere: DSC_0084
ourmanwhere: DSC_0085
ourmanwhere: DSC_0112
ourmanwhere: DSC_0121
ourmanwhere: DSC_0128
ourmanwhere: DSC_0136
ourmanwhere: DSC_0137
ourmanwhere: DSC_0142
ourmanwhere: DSC_0145
ourmanwhere: Tet food
ourmanwhere: Vietnamese sausage
ourmanwhere: Dread boiled chicken and feet
ourmanwhere: IMG_9484-1
ourmanwhere: Several large whiskies down, my father in law mends the electrics outside the house
ourmanwhere: DSC_0012-1
ourmanwhere: Westlake Turtle
ourmanwhere: DSC_0024
ourmanwhere: DSC_0034