angellaD: A room with a view
angellaD: Gaslamp District
angellaD: Room with a view
angellaD: Amanda and I
angellaD: With Mr. Mountie
angellaD: Yvonne and Amanda
angellaD: Kristin and Amanda
angellaD: Ree and Amanda
angellaD: Charlie
angellaD: The Crew
angellaD: Our flight has free wifi for smart phones. Greetings from somewhere over...Washington? Oregon? Next stop, San Diego.
angellaD: We're here! The view from our room isn't too shabby.
angellaD: Mr. Helping Hands is hanging with Mr. Mountie. #LMDBlogHer
angellaD: The view from lunch.
angellaD: The Gaslamp District is neat. #SanDiego #BlogHer11
angellaD: On the deck with @schmutzie @leahpeah and @Kickyboots.
angellaD: I finally! met @jurgennation (and hung out with her @MamaPop)(and shared a pedicab with her and @Kickyboots.) She's so pretty.
angellaD: Miss @Kickyboots and I are going to get our sparkle on. #Sparklecorn #BlogHer11
angellaD: I have no idea why @Sundry asked me to take this photo but, well, why not?
angellaD: This 'stache is for @Kerrianne.
angellaD: Miss @Kickyboots and I are on the scariest pedicab ride EVER. You should see his mullet.
angellaD: I'm so happy that @Whoorl is here!
angellaD: I had falsies (of the eyelash variety) applied today. Blink. Blink.