Our Baby Wolfs: Last-minute decorating in Mimi and Papa's driveway
Our Baby Wolfs: One of Joshua's flags kept sliding down
Our Baby Wolfs: 4th of July, 2012
Our Baby Wolfs: Making our way to the parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Parading to the parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Twins and Mimi
Our Baby Wolfs: Joshua's 7th 4th of July
Our Baby Wolfs: Caleb's 7th 4th of July
Our Baby Wolfs: Twins waiting to parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Parade horse
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses' 4th 4th of July
Our Baby Wolfs: The Wolfs are ready to go
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses has the best deal... it was hot!
Our Baby Wolfs: 4th of July parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Papa and Mimi Cheer from the Sidelines
Our Baby Wolfs: WW 4th of July Parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Go Team Wolf!
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses and Daddy after the Parade
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses and Joe on the 4th
Our Baby Wolfs: Moon Bounce
Our Baby Wolfs: Caleb with sparkler
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses with sparkler
Our Baby Wolfs: Fireworks in our front yard
Our Baby Wolfs: Fireworks!
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses hanging the birdseed bagel he made at school
Our Baby Wolfs: Moses hanging the birdseed cookie he made at Nature Camp
Our Baby Wolfs: We rescued this frog from death by chlorine
Our Baby Wolfs: Harold's Purple Crayon by Moses
Our Baby Wolfs: Zebra by Moses
Our Baby Wolfs: Mommy and Moses by Moses