☼Ourania2005: 131-3129_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 131-3130_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 131-3131_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 131-3162_IMG
☼Ourania2005: focus on flakes
☼Ourania2005: 132-3300_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 133-3303_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 133-3309_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 133-3312_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 131-3132_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 132-3290_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 133-3302_IMG
☼Ourania2005: 133-3306_IMG
☼Ourania2005: naturally cold
☼Ourania2005: trying to use macro in an old camera
☼Ourania2005: more than 6 cm of snow right outside my door
☼Ourania2005: snowing flower craft in courtyard
☼Ourania2005: below zero Celcious in my courtyard!!!
☼Ourania2005: syros port covered with snow
☼Ourania2005: "hungry peagons"
☼Ourania2005: view from mams balcony
☼Ourania2005: syros black and white
☼Ourania2005: looks like the earth seen from the moon ...