our_little_utopia: "Mama, I want to go camping". So, this is what camping looks when it is 9 degrees F outside.
our_little_utopia: Her little Pooh Bear and a pocket of light.
our_little_utopia: Immersed in her new book.
our_little_utopia: The sun was shining, so we went on an adventure. And since no one was around, we roared a little too.
our_little_utopia: Apples. You can eat them on the stairs. You can eat them anywhere.
our_little_utopia: Face Smash- No windows were harmed in the making of this picture. :)
our_little_utopia: The last of the Valentine blooms.
our_little_utopia: Peaceful introspection
our_little_utopia: Shadow Twin
our_little_utopia: The game after the game.
our_little_utopia: All at once, she is 17.
our_little_utopia: A million and one expressions
our_little_utopia: It takes two! :)
our_little_utopia: And...it's soccer season.
our_little_utopia: I love to catch him unaware.
our_little_utopia: Among the flowers
our_little_utopia: Shadow Play
our_little_utopia: It's 90 degrees outside and she is snuggled in a blanket inside.