OuiShare: Sharing Cities Summit
OuiShare: Arriving at WeWork for the initial keynote
OuiShare: Albert Cañigueral explaining about Barcelona and other cities experiencies with digital platforms
OuiShare: Learning about citizen participation from Mara Balestrini (IdeasForChange / Making Sense)
OuiShare: Meetup with local ecosystem of the collaborative economy
OuiShare: Judit Batayé (Ouishare) and Ricard Espelt (UOC Dimmons)
OuiShare: Albert Cañigueral (Ouishare) and Tom Llewellyn (Shareable)
OuiShare: Testing free floating electric bikes (ECooltra)
OuiShare: Glovo HQ
OuiShare: NestCityLab (A Poc A Poc)
OuiShare: ECrowd (P2P lending / B Corp)
OuiShare: Listening to shared mobility experts in Cloud Coworking
OuiShare: Lunch with Anna Merino (Shared Mobility) and Oscar Aguilera (Generalitat de Catalunya)
OuiShare: EatWith dinner experience with Tom Llewellyn (Shareable)
OuiShare: Sharing Cities Summit booth at Smart City Expo World Congres
OuiShare: Meeting Singapore representatives
OuiShare: Connecting with Madrid (Consul) with Argentinian Smart Cities Network
OuiShare: Lunch with local entrepreneur Javier Velasco (LendiApp)
OuiShare: The right to the (smart) city
OuiShare: Sharing Cities Alliance tour with 30+ city officials from all around the world
OuiShare: Can Batlló / Coopolis