OuiShare: OuiShare Summit#3 Barcelona
OuiShare: People arrive the day before and quickly get into the mood
OuiShare: Collecting free veggies and fruit
OuiShare: Catalan dinner at Julivert Meu
OuiShare: Jaime is hungry!
OuiShare: Lidia enjoying pà amb tomàquet
OuiShare: Torre Amat by Héléne
OuiShare: Torre Amat
OuiShare: Talk bubble
OuiShare: Cristóbal in MC mode
OuiShare: Nacho Amat, owner of the house
OuiShare: Jaime will be "cap de colla" and Alvaro is leading the workshop
OuiShare: Castellera
OuiShare: Alberto checking Esther's "faixa"
OuiShare: Enfaixar-se is important to build human towers
OuiShare: Francesca
OuiShare: Simone will be the base of the tower
OuiShare: Working on "la pinya" section of the "castell"
OuiShare: Alvar from TeamTowers leading the workshop
OuiShare: Structure of a human tower (a.k.a. "Castell")
OuiShare: Great team work to get this "4 de 3 castell" done!
OuiShare: Lifting "cap de colla"
OuiShare: OuiBuild Castells
OuiShare: Happy faces. Joel (EatWith), Guillaume y Albert