OuiShare: OuiShare Talk with Catarina Mota
OuiShare: FabLab Barcelona
OuiShare: Catarina Mota and Simone Cicero on the FabLab Tour
OuiShare: Discussion prior to the talk and panel
OuiShare: Simone with David (Dropis) and Javi Creus (IdeasForChange)
OuiShare: Catarina Mota
OuiShare: Tomás (FabLab Bcn Director) and Benjamin Tincq (OuiShare Co-founder)
OuiShare: Simone Cicero
OuiShare: The Third Industrial Revolution
OuiShare: FabLabs Network
OuiShare: Material that reacts like a muscle
OuiShare: OpenMaterials.org
OuiShare: Q&A
OuiShare: Team of visionaries